Dolphin & Whale Watching in Golfo Dulce

An encounter with dolphins is one of the most magical experiences to be had in Golfo Dulce. Bottlenose dolphins usually travel in small pods of 6-8 members (at times with young ones) and prefer the shallower waters along the coastline; these are highly sociable and curious animals who often chose to interact with our boat and will provide you with stunning photo opportunities. The smaller spotted and spinner dolphins always travel in large groups of 50 to hundreds, usually in deeper waters, and are easily spotted leaping out of water.

 Even more spectacularly, between August and September, Golfo Dulce becomes a preferred destination for endangered humpback whales, which swim thousands of miles from the freezing waters of Antarctica in what is known as the longest documented mammalian migration on earth. Here in our gulf, the whales mate and give birth to a single calf; around the age of ten weeks, the young whales have grown strong enough for the long journey south with their mothers, only for the migration cycle to start again the following year. The waters of Golfo Dulce remain to this day fairly solitary so all whale sightings tend to happen in a very intimate setting, making the experience truly magical.